Thursday, April 17, 2008

Healing Words

Awaken, my love;
The time for sleeping has ended.
I am waiting for you at the door;
Just walk through . . .

With these words, I am asked to begin my healing path. I asked, “What do I have to offer?” I am given the answer, “Healing words. Words of comfort and acceptance.” Different cultures, different peoples all have distinctive words. However, healing words flow from a stream of consciousness that accepts all of humanity as brothers and sisters—all beings as family.

I asked, “What is the one Word that will speak volumes?” I was told, “Healing is reconnection.” Then I was told to go out and find a stick. Find a stick that will represent that verbal proclamation. I found a seedpod. I was in California, so it happened to be a very small cone on the end of a branch of a giant redwood tree.

That seedpod was the germ of an idea that can now be made manifest. As the facilitator of these exercises, Rev. Dr. Tg Belcheir, writes, “The more you speak the words with conviction, as if what they describe has already occurred, the likelier it will be that they will manifest.” Healing words will help us create a healed world.

Another stick I was to find represented me. “What would you wave into existence with this magic stick?” I was asked. I would make the energy between all of us, and all beings, visible so that we could see the effect we have on each other. Words between us have been a source of disconnection and harm. Remember, however, that healing is reconnection, as long as the energy that precipitates this reconnection is sparked by the Divine.

I asked, “Show me the degree of my passion.” I was shown a bird of light sweeping through the sky, getting closer and closer, initiating waves of light, wave upon wave, flooding the land. I was told, “What you are seeking is seeking you with the same passion.”

I asked, “How will this serve my highest good? How does this embrace my knowingness and truth? How does this reveal what is unique and original in me?” The journey into ourselves is also the Journey into the Other. Often, on this path we judge and receive ourselves by the reflections and responses we receive from others. As this is based on their own abilities and inabilities to give and receive, many times we get an invalid picture of ourselves.

We won’t see who we really are until we see ourselves reflected in the Heart of the Beloved. This initiates a new story. This journey parallels the new Cosmology that science is unveiling. As we uncover the story of Cosmogenesis we find we have a new way of understanding our own sense of self. Thomas Berry writes in “The Great Work”, “Each being in its subjective depths carries that numinous mystery whence the universe emerges into being. This we might identify as the sacred depth of the individual.”

As each individual discovers his or her own sacred depth they will find a new connection to the Divine creating new words of healing and restoration. Understanding the vastness of this creative act can be felt in the words of Howard Thurman, “The boundaries of self did not hold me.” These words of our own creativity needs must spread like a fire across the land, and are the beginning of the new culture of wisdom.

In this emerging wisdom culture, we are turning to new alternatives. An alternative education will contribute to this healing and oneness. In this room full of dissertation candidates, the common theme running through most of our works is the path of finding our passion and ourselves, and offering it to others. The interesting thing is that this course runs first through the Heart of the Beloved.

This journey toward the Other is what precipitated the journey inward—as well as outward—in the dissertation process. Repeatedly being deluded by our connection with others has kept us from discovering that core of our original being. The journey into the Other, however, is a true/authentic connection/reflection that allows us to discover who we really are and then return a purer reflection back to the world.

This fits perfectly with the notion that inner healing comes with the purpose of serving. The one supports the many becomes the One. The dissertation stories I heard this week are the beginning foundations for a common base of understanding and interaction as a healing energy begins to flow from these words creating a new world culture of heart.

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