Monday, October 20, 2008

I want to take hold of my life and LIVE!

"I feel the Core Star Energy in each cell of my being. Like dancing sparkles, only better, more brilliant, more expansive. I feel each cell bursting into light --one here, one there--like popcorn in the microwave. Increasing in momentum--pop, Pop, POP--my cells are exploding, first one and then another, cascading throughout my body like Great Falls, Virginia, where all the streams from the hills meet in one rocky place and find their reason and purpose to flow together into oneness. I have met my sister and we are one illuminating light together: creating love, peace, healing Breath!" (written on day 4 of the week's experience, during a writing exercise at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing)

Needless to say it was a great experience. Before I signed up (which happened very quickly and unexpectedly) I had asked: "Our daughter has married and moved out; I've lost my job; Dad is passed and Mom is all settled in her new place; I have spent enough time contracting and having space and am now beginning to feel sorry for myself--what is it that I need to do for me?" I was immediately brought to the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Definitely the place to uncover my wounds and heal, while at the same time being filled up in order to give.

Normally I would have asked: "What is it that You would have me do?" The new focus of my question has created new clarity and perspective that is uncovering my power. No, that is the way it is expressed easily, but power is misunderstood and too often abused. A deeper way to say that is that I am 'feeling my life': its past with all my wounds, difficulties, and confusion; its present with all my insecurities, fears, blocks and regrets; and its future with all the love that I want to pour out of my being in partnership with the Beloved, all my potential to realize loving relationships on this Earth and Be who I Am.

Now my head goes back to the last two blogs about pursuing goodness and allowing myself the freedom to be me with the accompanying responsibility, good results, and discipline to learn the harmony and flow of the Principles of Creation. This new place is balancing that headiness with the heart focus of letting myself drop or sink in to the awareness that I Am already, and it is enough.

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