Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Link between Spiritual and Physical

has always fascinated me. Ever since I was a child I would feel the connection between essence, electrical, chemical and physical. We have a thought. It travels our neural pathways only to end in an abyss.

Synapse is the scientific term. At that point we must let go of it. It is supported however, by chemicals, neurotransmitters, ahh, and even the emotional connections of the body at that moment. This is the space between. The space between one thought and the next, between one moment and the next, determines the results of our physical action and creation.

The electrical impulses of the neurons jump the synapse bringing our thoughts into physical manifestation--seen as I write this blog and my fingers move across the keyboard as I contemplate what I am writing.

This space between axons and dendrites, nerve endings and muscles, this abyss that our thoughts must navigate is the same "space between" that we access when we meditate or when we do centering prayer.

This is the space between encapsulated by Michelangelo in his captivating painting of God and Man, hands both outstretched, fingers reaching--but not touching. The space between Spiritual and Physical--and the Word became Flesh.

I have been holding this space between, and as I do I feel that it is not a stop. It is not a separation as our world of duality would have us believe. In this space feel the connection (like an axon and dendrites) that is the power to create and act. The space between (the synapse) is a thought/reality waiting to be willed into action.

Recently I've been looking more closely at my spiritual practice. I found I must practice the art of going in and letting go.

Now here is another practice--being present in the stillness and allowing it to connect through the space between to another. To create a relationship to the outside--outside of my perspective, outside of the moment, outside of the spiritual, outside of my Self--this is the reality of our lives.

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