Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where Is Your Pearl?

“You tell stories about diving deep in to the ocean but where is your pearl?
There is some merit in the suffering you have endured
But what a pity you have not discovered the Mecca that’s inside.”    -Rumi

Every morning I do a spiritual practice. Part of it includes diving deep into that ocean and letting my “pearl” as Rumi so elegantly describes it, the “Core Star” as defined by Barbara Brennan, shine forth.

I feel my physical body. “What’s here now.” “The body never lies.” It’s morning time, so I can definitely feel my physical body: where I’m holding, where I’m pushing, where I’m stuck. I use that as an indicator as to how my energy is connected and interacting with the energy around me: how my chakras are spinning.

From there I ground. I focus on my Earth connection, and trace it up through my body to find my Heart’s Longing, and reach up to find the contact point that connects Me to the Heart of the Universe.

This then is what creates the holographic link that is my Core Star, my proof that I Am. I feel it—this bigger than me-ism. It travels up through my intention for life, radiates in an ever decreasing spiral around me until it hits my physical body again and each cell explodes with purpose, intention, longing and life.

I remember an awe-inspiring time I felt this undeniable “proof” that I Am. My daughter had called me up to tell me she loved me. It was 5 a.m. and I went back to sleep afterwards only to experience this Unfolding:

“It was the exploding fireball, the uncurling fern leaf
the expanding of universes—pulling my soul apart.

I wrapped my arms around you to cradle and protect
And was burst apart by the power of the unfolding
(for you weren’t mine to contain)
and I joined in the flaring forth.

My small self, unable to contain your beauty and your loveliness,
Felt each love in my life bursting forth from each cell of my being

Truly, birth is a time of offering, and a time of connection—
Love creates new universes.”

And yet, even with this “proof” before me, in me, as I am reading Rumi I become curious. I ask myself: “You find your Core Star every morning—are you living like you have?

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